DAY 3 of RRBC’s #ADayInMyLife 30-Day #Blogging Challenge @maurabeth2014 @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #RWISA

Day 3 – Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Today I had to drag myself, kicking and screaming, to this computer to blog about Day 3. I looked for a nice picture to put in here, but couldn’t remember how to do that. I have done it, but when I consulted my brain, it said, “sorry, that info isn’t here anymore.” So, just imagine something interesting right here. C’mon! You’re a writer. You can do it.

I really had a delightful day. This morning I met a good friend from that local writer’s group that I mentioned yesterday, and we had breakfast in a diner. Maybe it’s just me, but is there anything better than a diner breakfast? (See, here is where a picture would be really great. Imagine a plate with runny eggs, and home fries, all salty and a little crispy, and a couple pieces of rye toast loaded with butter. Oh, yum!) Well, now I’m hungry again.

My friend, I will call her Ellen in case she wouldn’t want me to mention her name, is just a delightful person. She is good for my soul, I think. She is so sweet, and upbeat (although she has had her share of hardships, for sure), and has a great sense of humor. She always has a crazy, offbeat story to tell about something she has experienced or done in her past, too. A couple of husbands and divorces, lived in some unusual homes, like a little, tiny house on a nature preserve, for instance. Her stories that she writes are always in the fantasy or supernatural genre, an outgrowth of her unusual imagination. Anyway, breakfast was a real tonic, then I set out to do errands.

Full disclosure. My first errand was one I couldn’t tell George about. See, I want to get another dog to keep Ziggy company. We had another dog when we got him – sweet little Eden, the cutest little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel you ever saw – but sadly, she died a few years ago. I feel like maybe Ziggy would feel calmer when he’s left alone if he had a companion. George thinks he will be upset and jealous. Despite this, today I snuck over to the local animal shelter to take a look. And guess what – maybe this is that “Serendipity” I go on about – but it was closed! Is somebody up there trying to tell me something? What do you think?

The whole “other dog” thing is kind of an obsession with me now. We almost always have had two dogs, so I feel like something is lacking in our lives with just one. Every morning, while I drink my coffee (two cups, lots of cream, life is good) I say to myself “Hmm, maybe I should read the news, keep up with what’s happening in the world. Or (I gaze at the ceiling, finger to my chin) I could just check a few animal rescue websites, yeah, I could do that real quick and THEN I could read the news.” It’s like I’m addicted to a kind of Puppy Porn, where I look at lots of pictures of dogs I probably can’t have. But that very special one could be out there, just waiting and hoping to be adopted, right? So, any thoughts about this from you readers out there?

But, alas, didn’t get to look at any live pups today, so I trekked on over to our little town, which has an adorable Main Street like something in a TV movie, and browsed around, made a return of a Christmas present I had gotten for Ziggy (a doggie sweater that didn’t fit) and stopped by the new Latte Bar. I didn’t want a coffee latte, since I had already had several coffees, so the “barista” suggested a Chai Latte. I had high hopes, but it was so sweet I couldn’t even drink it. Now I know.

Okay, that’s it (at least what I want to tell . . . now, aren’t you curious about what I left out? Who knows what I could have gotten up to?) But – parting note – tomorrow is the big Dryer Repair Day. I need to go to bed early, be really rested so I can withstand the disappointment when he/she invariably tells me we need a rare ball bearing from Taiwan or someplace that only ships during alternate full moons. So it won”t be here till March. Or something. No disrespect for Taiwan intended.

Over and out.

26 thoughts on “DAY 3 of RRBC’s #ADayInMyLife 30-Day #Blogging Challenge @maurabeth2014 @RRBC_Org @RRBC_RWISA @Tweets4RWISA #RWISA

  1. Maura Beth, full disclosure, I come to your blog with a smile already on my face, because I know what you’ll be serving, my dear; nothing but good, good laughter! I love your storytelling, and I sit back and say, “This is how you got into RWISA!” Amazing stuff, lady! Again, I will stand by the fact that you probably don’t even realize how funny you are.

    I can’t wait for the next one!

    Thanks for sharing “Ellen” and your day with us! See you in the next!

    ~Nonnie Jules

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    • Nonnie, I’m glad I’m going back and checking old posts to make sure I saw all the comments. What a gift to see this! Your words meant a lot to me, just as I was feeling a bit down and wondering if I’d make it to the end. Heartfelt thanks for your encouragement!


  2. Maura Beth, who needs pictures of a yummy breakfast when we can read your description? If you want another dog to love and love you back, I say go for it! You’ll know the right fur baby when you see him or her. As far as your laundry rooms woes…good luck, lady! I’m pulling for you! : )

    Best wishes,
    Donna M Atwood
    D M Atwood

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  3. Pingback: A Day In My Life – The Long and Short Stories of Life

  4. Pingback: A Day I My Life – The Long and Short Stories of Life

  5. Maura Beth, the breakfast sounds great except for the rye. I’ve never liked the taste. Ellen sounds like the friend we all need.

    Also, I can empathize with you about a companion for Ziggy. I’d like to get a companion for me, but hubby isn’t ready. We lost our dog 3 years ago.

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  6. I have a friend who had a tiny house constructed and lived in it for years (she finally sold it to move into a 55+ community). I’m not sure I could adapt to how small a tiny house actually is, but they sure are unique.

    It sounds like Ziggy needs a companion, and there are plenty of rescue pups out there, so I know if it’s meant to be, you’ll find him a soulmate eventually. šŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maura Beth, your brain is on overdrive. Is this what true dog lovers think about day and night. I grew up with dogs and cats in the family. The last one I had was a German Shepherd. When she passed away I never got another one. It was too hard for me and my son.

    Anyway, thank you for letting us in to your life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Shirley, your comment made me think! No, not usually do I obsess about dogs, just when I am in the “market” so to speak. But I also obsess about other things, as I have an obsessive personality. Hard habit to break.

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  8. Hi, Maura Beth,
    I can’t wait to hear what happens at Big Dryer Repair Day. I hope it is not so serious that you have to invest in a new dryer.
    I hope you also find a second dog for Ziggy. I haven’t had a pet since 2008, and I’m fine with that, but I understand people wanting to have one or two or maybe even three or four dog.
    Wishing you all the best, my dear.
    Shalom aleichem

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    • Pat, I type this with shaking hands – the Dryer Guy is here. I can hear him tinkering around out there in the laundry room under George’s watchful eye. That will be my blog for today. Have a good day over there -someday I hope to visit Germany as I have cousins in Berlin. Auf Wiedersehen!

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    • Karen, that message comes through to me way too often for my liking!! I tell people that writing keeps my brain working, and my thought is that it would be way worse if I were not writing. As for the shelter, you are probably right!

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  9. When I found my dog with my oldest daughter, we immediately fell in love with him. The trip to the pet store was to find her a summer job. No job, but we found a dog. We went home, and I called my husband to tell him about the cutest Maltese puppy. I knew he would be angry, but he said why don’t you return with our second daughter. To me, that meant we could buy the dog. She was turning Sweet Sixteen. So, we did. And we bought food, toys, a crate, bowls, and so on. And he was on sale. When my husband came home from work, he got so mad that he threatened to throw Nounous into the street. He didn’t, and now he loves him. What was my point? Husbands don’t say what they mean. I don’t bother listening to mine anymore.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Susanne, that is a sweet story of how you got Nounous! Your last comment made me laugh, too. We don’t call my husband “Mr. Doom and Gloom” for nothing, so I can relate. He always sees the downside of everything, so I tune him out a lot. I’m glad your husband and Nounous are friends now though.


  10. Hi, Maura Beth! You’re getting signals all right, but that closed shelter didn’t mean you shouldn’t keep looking. Your pup wasn’t at the shelter today, thus the closed doors.

    Dogs are pack animals and they NEED companions! We humans might qualify if we were home with the dog all the time and slept curled up on the floor. Barring that, the four-footed, fully furred variety nicely takes up the slack. Oddly enough, a cat often makes a fine substitute for another dog. It checks all the boxes. Four feet, fur covered, and sleeps curled up wherever a warm body lies down.

    Dogs easily make friends with whomever is in the house. Their need to be in a pack overrides any momentary jealousy they may have. Just don’t invite Kujo to join the pack.

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    • Hi, Patty, thanks for your comment. You made me feel better about my “puppy porn” habit. Plus, I know if I locate a dog I really want, George would be okay with it (he always comes around). I wish I could have a cat(s), but I am allergic and have to just be a grandmom to my daughter’s kitties.

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  11. Hi Maura Beth–I find myself doing the same thing, looking a “puppy porn” on We adopted out Oscar nearly three years ago, when he was 10. He’s starting to slow down a bit. We have had up to three dogs at a time in the past. My husband says the same thing–that Oscar will be upset if we bring another dog in. But I worry that when he goes, I will be so upset. Oscar actually cries when my husband leaves the house, even if it’s just to get the mail or newspapers. I just love my doggies, just like you.

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    • Wanda, I know what you mean exactly. Ziggy is 12 and I worry about his health. When they leave us is the downside of having a pet. I’ve read that sometimes bringing in a new pet will be a bit of a tonic to an older dog, so I keep looking. Hope Oscar is with you for many more years – we had a small “mix” dog who lived to be 16!!


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